Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jeff Kaufman from Big City Comics Visits Comics & Classics!

We'll we finally did it! We had our first "official" event. We are no longer "event" virigins. Don't worry...Jeff Kaufman went easy on us! (okay...enough of that talk ;o)

Yesterday, select customers got to spend time chatting personally with writer/publisher Jeff Kaufman of Big City Comics.

See that big smile on Jeff's face? Yep, he had a good time! I couldn't get him to sit at the nifty author table I set up, however.

We met Jeff at the recent Orlando MegaCon and he was nice enough to drop by our store for a few hours while he was in town with family. Jeff shared his views on the progress of Big City Comic's titles and their nomination as Best Independent Comic Press in 2007. Indie? Small Press? Upstarts? What do we call ourselves, Jeff mused. We call them GREAT ... and we're really diggin' the great titles they put out - Tempest, Totem, Dragon Cross, Ant Unleashed, and the latest title Ant Unleashed. My personal favorite, as I shared with Jeff, is Dragon Cross. The depth of character development in just the first few issues is impressive and evidence of Jeff's strong story-telling skills. Jeff's got mad skills! But check it out for the art by Rob Richardson as well, whose passion for his subject shines through on each page.

Also, we we're lucky enough to hang out with Diamond Comics Distributor Region Rep Eric Hitchcock. No pictures of Eric, though. I got the feeling he prefered to be the picture taker. I'm hoping to see our good press and pics on his "From the Road" report.

The first time went so well, we're going to do it again next Saturday! Spreading the love around, this time we'll hang out with the new guys from Alpha Cat Comics, who are releasing their Number 1 issues of Perfect Storm and Behemoth and comic artist and legend Dick Giordano, who was so gracious to accept our invite to visit our humble store.