Thursday, June 19, 2008

Customer of the Month

Comics & Classics loves its customers! Beginning with Free Comic Book Day, May 3rd, we initiated our Customer of the Month drawing. Each month we will choose one customer's name from those submitted during the month prior. That lucky customer wins a $10.00 gift certificate (and during May won a Spidey basket won during a drawing at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Event).

This month's lucky winner based on last month's entries is Brent Hawkins! Congrats to Brent! Posted below are six questions we asked Brent. Of course being a former school teacher, I couldn't let him get away without an assignment first.

1. Who is your favorite superhero or character in a book/comic and why?

Wolverine, because his is an unstoppable force of nature.

2. If you could have any superpowers, what would they be?

Flying ability, healing factor & super strength.

3. What is the best comic or book you've read recently?

War World Hulk

4. You're asked to create a comic, what is the most creative hero or power you can imagine?

Same as question #2

5. What's on your IPod playlist?

Hip Hop & R & B

6. Zombies are attacking, how do you defend yourself?

Run faster to the gun store than the person next to me!

Thanks, Brent, for supporting your local independent book and comic store and to all our customers who have supported us through our first eight months in business. We love ya'll! Be sure to come in and submit your name for June's Customer of the Month.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The "Invasion" Has Come! Ed & Bo's Opening A Big Success!

Ed and Bo pose here with Bo's beautiful wife Kelly in front of the yummy office break room snacks offered at Saturday's art show opening.
Junk food and fantastic "lowbrow" art were just two of the many wonderful features of our June 7th opening reception for Ed and Bo's show "Corporate Invasion."

You would think Ed and Bo have been trapped working in corporate hell for years the way they capture the sense of mundane desperation often felt by the average office worker.

Entitled "Cosmic Corporate Ladder," Ed's triptych painting depicts the cosmic, universal (and perhaps futile) attempt to climb the corporate ladder and forge for ourselves a better future.

Both arresting and humorous, these pieces will stand out in one's collection as a reminder that we can't let corporations invade us with their commercial influence or steal our souls. We are not for sale! But, these great works of art are!

Check out more pics from the evening on our MySpace page on the links page on

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Invasion is Coming!!!!!!!!!

The "Corporate Invasion" is nearly here and we are all giddy with anticipation of Ed and Bo show opening at Comics & Classics this Saturday, June 7th! Beginning with an opening reception from
7 to 9pm, Ed Dansart and Bo Dillard present their take on corporations! Described as "low-brow, cartooney, fun, not-so-serious" art by Ed himself, this show captures our feelings that perhaps there are robots and monsters out there and they call themselves Exxon, Mobil, Wal-Mart, Best Buy,, Barnes & Noble .... and their legions are many!!

Hey, wait....isn't Comics & Classics, Inc. a corporation? Well, technically, but we're a "good corporation" like Google ("Do no harm" is their corporate motto), or Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, or the makers of earth-friendly products like Method or Seventh Generation (both creators of "green" cleaning and laundry supplies that I'm sure must be incorporated). We're not all evil. Actually, our unofficial corporate motto is "We don't suck!" So there, we can't be bad and run by robots and monsters. We promise. Pinky swear. You believe me, right?