Friday, July 25, 2008

McCain and Obama to Get their own Graphic Novels

I love politics and I love comic books, and yet I'm not sure what to think about IDW's efforts to bring the two together. I'll withhold judgement until I see them, but anything that promotes comics in mainstream America is good with me.

Reprinted from Booksellers This Week

BTW News Briefs
July 23, 2008
McCain & Obama to Get Their Own
Graphic Novels
The Los Angeles Times reports that senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Barack Obama (D-IL) are getting their own comic books. The Times said, "IDW Publishing, a comics company best known for horror titles (most notably 30 Days of Night)
and adaptations of movies and television shows, is going into the beltway
world by publishing Presidential Material: Barack Obama and Presidential
Material: John McCain, a pair of graphic novels that chronicle the life of
the two men who both want to be riding on Air Force One for four

Jeff Mariotte, co-owner of San Diego's Mysterious
and author of a number of graphic novels, wrote the Obama book,
which is drawn by Tom Morgan. The McCain book is written by Andy Helfer and
drawn by Stephen Thompson. According to the Times, both books will be priced
at $3.99 and will be in stores on October 8.