Ed and Bo pose here with Bo's beautiful wife Kelly in front of the yummy office break room snacks offered at Saturday's art show opening.
Junk food and fantastic "lowbrow" art were just two of the many wonderful features of our June 7th opening reception for Ed and Bo's show "Corporate Invasion."
You would think Ed and Bo have been trapped working in corporate hell for years the way they capture the sense of mundane desperation often felt by the average office worker.
Entitled "Cosmic Corporate Ladder," Ed's triptych painting depicts the cosmic, universal (and perhaps futile) attempt to climb the corporate ladder and forge for ourselves a better future.
Both arresting and humorous, these pieces will stand out in one's collection as a reminder that we can't let corporations invade us with their commercial influence or steal our souls. We are not for sale! But, these great works of art are!
Check out more pics from the evening on our MySpace page on the links page on http://www.comicsandclassics.com/.